Travel With Perspective

What This Is All About

This blog site is intended to be about three passions of mine and I hope of yours.  From the title the most obvious one is traveling. If traveling isn’t interesting to you, read no further.  O.K. The second one is art. Whereas I am not good at it…I really enjoy looking at it with an eye of curiosity. How was it created and what does it mean? My third passion is architecture. I have been an architect for over 30 years and found (it shouldn’t surprise anyone) that I enjoy travelling most when it is to places with engaging architecture…and art.  Finally, the fourth passion that will connect the first three is writing.  I enjoy the struggle of creating coherent thoughts (hopefully!) out of inspiring content obtained through travel. I am curious about whether (or not) I will be able to blend all three passions into interesting writing that adds value for anyone discovering this blog.

Along the way, I intend to share the full experiences of traveling with friends who also enjoy the adventure of seeing and connecting places within this country and around the world.  Exploring cultures different from ours and the art and architecture that defines them is a common passion for us all.

I am not sure what will inspire future posts, but I AM sure they will revolve around experiences of discovering new cultures, architecture, art, and another passion…food! Local food is the never-ending common thread throughout our travels that brings joy and ‘fulfillment’…pun intended!

I will be sharing my experiences from traveling with friends and my wife in the hope that it makes traveling more interesting and adds perspective to your journeys.

So, if you like what you see (or don’t), please subscribe and leave a comment so I may learn what you like and would like to know more about! Thanks for reading!

Oh, and just for your information, this is a hobby, not a financial interest for me. So, no spam, no sales, no nothing except fun reading…I hope!

One thought on “Travel With Perspective

  1. We know y’all are leaving tomorrow. Enjoy you fantastic trip. Texas and Oklahoma look forward to following your travels. GBR from RGS

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