Our Goal
Our goal with this blog is to share travel experiences with our friends and anyone interested in traveling to new places. We will share our experiences (both good and bad) in the hope that it will inform and inspire you to travel more. We hope that you will see something new that will positively affect your perspective on the world.
My name is Greg Newport. I am a retired architect. My wife is Shelley. She is an almost-retired lawyer. We live in the middle of the United States in the state of Nebraska. This gives us another title– ‘mid-westerner’.
As life long mid-westerners, our goal throughout our lives has been to travel as much as possible. We have managed to travel to many places around the United States as well as Western and Central Europe. These experiences have provided us first hand experiences of many new cultures. These experiences have added to our perspective of life as mid-westerners.
What’s to Come?
My wife and I are getting into retirement mode and are looking forward to more traveling. This blog will not only help share each experience we’ve had but we hope it will build in you the desire and tools to go on adventures of your own. By sharing our appreciation for food, art and architecture (to mention just a few) we will show you our perspectives of the world that we hope to share with you so that you, too, will find that its never too late to start having new experiences.
One final thought. Writing is not my first love but it’s pretty high on the list. Whereas I haven’t been trained to know the differences between a passive voice and an active voice or knowing a dangling participle from an attached one, my thoughts are as free flowing as my fingers will allow and I find that’s about all I care about. And, as I delve into this who blogging universe, there are additional terms of art that creep into my vocabulary that as of yet I don’t plan on getting too excited about. Words such as ‘stopwords’. I guess I have a few in my writing to clean up. Maybe I’ll get to it someday. However, I will edit for punctuation and spelling as I find it necessary for making good and honest prose (as Hemingway might say) but Hemingway, I’m not. I hope you enjoy these written descriptions of our journeys…regardless.